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Sirsasana How to do Headstand? Breathe deeply, engaging your core and slowly lift both legs toward the ceiling. Find balance on your head...
Standing Splits
Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana How to do Standing Splits? Inhale, lift your left leg straight behind you as high as you can. Reach your...
Easy Pose
Sukhasana How to do Easy Pose? Sit cross-legged on the ground with your hands resting on your knees. Elongate your spine and relax your...
Thread the needle
Urdhva Mukha Pasasana How to do Thread the needle? Inhale, reach your right arm up. Exhale, thread it under your left arm, lower your...
Prone Shoulder Stretch
Parsva Savasana Eka Kandra Baddha Konasana How to do Prone Shoulder Stretch? Lie on your stomach with your right arm extended out to the...
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